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Stay updated about your COMPETITORS activities
With our database, you will be able to know where your competitors source their products from. We offer the most accurate data that disclose suppliers, product volumes, and industry trends for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, United States, Russia, Ukraine, India and many other countries.
Keep tabs of current and discover new SUPPLIERS
Having trustworthy suppliers is key. INFONECTA helps you to find them! Our databases disclose customers, product lines, and exporting volumes for factories around the world. In addition, INFONECTA novel's technology allows our subscribers to keep abreast of specific operations or criteria by creating specific alerts.
Identify potential CUSTOMERS
If you sell products or services to Latina American, Russian or Chinese importers, our datasets allow you qualify prospects based on their Foreign Trade histories. You will be able to, for example, to create alerts on the online subscription which indicate when a specific operation is undertaken such as imports by a specific company of a specific product or exports of certain products to specified countries.
Business Intelligence Reports
INFONECTA has highly qualify team of professionals with solid expertise in foreign trade, development of technological and logistics projects and service commercialization. Our combinations of specialized focus, market know-how, and years of experience have resulted in a deep understanding of Foreign Trade Data Reports.
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Great service! Tracking our competitors has never been so easy – I would highly recommend this service!
The Market Analysis of our product was impressive. It helped us take some very good decisions!